Monday, October 21, 2013

Holy Guacamole

Life is so good.

I'm seriously so happy so much of the time that it's kind of physically exhausting.
Wonder why...

That's a joke. I know why.

You're great, Aaron! Thanks for FINALLY giving me a reason to try and make myself look good in the mornings!

My roommates are hot.

It's Friday night. Party! Or nap...either works.

I made dinner. The "baked" potatoes didn't bake at all.

We went to a stake dance, but for GROWNUPS!
I am a 70s woman!

This is where I go running.
Thank you, Utah, for being beautiful.

My sweet, sweet friends at Angie's missionary farewell! I'm so grateful for all of you and for the joy you've brought me. I feel so blessed to know you guys! You kept me safe and helped me to know my Savior through your examples. Thanks for putting up with my crazies.

Angie and I. Goodness gracious, Angie, I love you! You'll be a fantastic missionary! I basically wanted to cry the entire time during your farewell, I was so happy!

BYU men's XC is growing mustaches for nationals. This is Aaron modeling the one he's going to grow.
Lord, give me strength...

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