Friday, November 1, 2013

College is funny

It just is.
Like the fact that I'm still alive.
I know for a fact, that in my wee section of the pantry,

I have
     Spaghetti sauce
     Mint tea (yum...)

I'm out of bread, which is obviously my sandwich/lunch staple. No apples, bananas, pretzels, chips, or beloved Oreos...

...HOW AM I STILL ALIVE?? I seriously need to go to Smiths!! I guess there's still mayonnaise in the fridge :)

Some great moments of the week:

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Smearing brown eye shadow (thanks, mummy!) into Aaron's stubble to complete his cowboy costume! He let me dress him up, basically. I was an Indian.

I darkened his blossoming mustache, making it sharp and obvious against his face.

We both stepped back and Aaron scrutinized it in the mirror.

"This is the future," I said quietly.

Indian bib thing = AWESOME.

<<<< >>>>

Jessica and I were walking to the library,. We were laughing about a text my sister -in-law had sent me in response to Aaron's worry that she would judge him for his mustache, as she hadn't met him yet.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a figure slunk up behind me and grabbed my hand in his.

It was Aaron.

                                                                                                   and ran away and up onto a ledge!!

It was terrifying.

<<<< >>>>

I work as a janitor at the Marriott Center. (Definitely a love hate relationship.)

I was waiting for Aaron to come pick me up as it was 8:00 and dark outside. My coworkers were on the other floor.

I had been spinning around in a wheely chair, when I got the brilliant idea to push myself all the way around the concourse!

So I turned, sat down so the back of the chair was straddled between my legs, and pushed with my legs! At portal J, the half-way point, I started,

"Ohhhhhhh we're halfway there..."

About 3/4s of the way, I started to doubt my decision. 
My legs were kind of hating me at that moment.

But I made it!

(Note: it's a fourth of a mile to go all the way around the concourse)

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Jessica sent me about 20 texts one night, pleading with me to come home.
When I arrived, the windows were dark.
I knocked; Jessie opened the door. The rest of the apartment was dark.

"...were you just sitting here in the dark??"

Jessie eyed me sheepishly, "I'm hiding."
She'd been sitting in the dark for quite some time.
She'd had a rough day :)

We watched Thor and talked during all of it without anyone there to tell us to be quiet, ate a bag of Snickers, and commented on the symmetrical structure of the male protagonists in the movie.

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It has convinced me that BYU is full of nerds.

And oh, how I love them. 
First time I saw this guy, I passed him alone on Rape Hill. Scary

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I was pretty darn bored in my Intro to Health Professions, so I texted Aaron saying something about a picture he'd been tagged in on Facebook.

"Just wait till you see the other photo that got posted today," he answered, "I had to get creative 'cause I didn't have a real costume."

Got on Facebook and found
THIS little beauty

BYU Men's XC Halloween fun run! Later, I asked, "Were you flexing?" Him: "No."
Guess which one my boyfriend is?
The one squatting in the towel.

I almost lost it in my class. Instead of busting up laughing, I just reacted physically in my seat by bending up. Basically I looked like I was having convulsions.

"What IS that picture???" I texted furiously, "What are you???"

"I was a guy who just got out of the shower," he responded promptly, "I ran five miles in a towel!"

He then related this story to me later in person:

Aaron hadn't planned a Halloween costume for his team's practice, and thus ended up going as a naked man. "Don't worry," he assured me, "I was wearing shorts."
Aaron strategically arranged his towel so that the slit dangled over his thigh. Thus, whenever he took a step forward, his entire upper leg was exposed. Apparently he got a lot of looks.

At one point in the run, they approached a group of girls waiting at a stop light from behind.
One girl turned, saw Aaron, and her eyes widened,

"Oh my goodness," she said before she could stop herself, "Look at those muscles!"

Then she turned red.
And giggled with her friends.

Hysterical!!!! Hahaha!!!

<<<< >>>>

life. is. great.

~ Karen :)


  1. Karen, I can't wait to meet you! You made me laugh out loud three time with this post!

  2. I think the wheely chair one was my favorite. I'm glad you made it all the way around. And I hope you finally made it to Smith's and got some of those Oreos that are so necessary to maintain sanity in college :)
